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Philip is a wood loving, skilled, creative dreamer that keeps our business moving forward, constantly improving our techniques and bringing you new products. As a member of Belfast Print Workshop Philip looks after all of the 'hands on' production end of things. He could do much of this at home but prefers spending time in a room full of amazing and inspiring local artists. He wears many hats in our life and business and though I may be biased, he rocks them all! Chief wood worker, equipment developer and maker, screen printer, in house barista, epic chip maker and encourager only scratch the surface.
I, Lisa, am a relentless designer and a raging introvert with a love for the classics. I can become wholly consumed by a design and my tendency to have a long wish list of quotes means you constantly see new, fresh designs on the go. I am also the admin monkey, web designer, reluctant social media chief (see raging introvert), dark chocolate loving, wannabe minimalist and apparently win at making pancakes (according to our kids). I love lettering! I always have. At school I could imitate any style of handwriting that caught my eye and I would happily sit for hours perfecting it... which I maybe sometimes still do.
Once upon a dandelion was born from our desire to have our children experience positivity everyday, to have them encouraged, inspired and challenged to always be themselves. We create artwork for you with this same mindset and are inspired by the abundance of natural beauty surrounding us here at home in The Mournes.
We are always asked where 'Once Upon A Dandelion' came from. Our very first piece of artwork we created for our home was a dandelion, Philip made a wooden frame out of some broken bed slats and what can I say, I'm a sucker for dandelions!
“What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have yet to be discovered." - Ralph Waldo Emerson -